I have previous experiences with Blender from fucking around with it and making random stupid shit. I never really got into the nitty gritty of blender but I believe that I can now do more with my skills than I could before. The project states that we are to create mythical beings and props, living objects to use for scenes and etc, but if I am going to be honest, I do not much prefer to make living beings. I prefer mechanical shapes, likes robots and drones. Therefore, for this project, I am going to make mechanical beasts and drones with appendages so that I still follow the prompt but I make what I like. My first idea is a large, hulking beastly robot that stands on two feet and has claws for hands. My second idea is a panther robot like Ravage from Transformers. Images: TBA
Project 2 Brainstorm
Updated: Mar 16, 2023